Friday, November 23, 2007

Code of the Juggernaut

I started a graphic novel based on my band, Lunaractive, this summer. The plan was to release it as a web comic, 3 pages a week, until it ended- then after that make a collected book to be released by SLG. My plan was to get these pages going and then keep up with it while on tour. My only problem was I hadn't actually finished writing it, and I was getting stuck. Then, to make matters even worse, my computer died while I was on tour and was useless for a month and a half. When I finally got it fixed my deadline to finish Chumble Spuzz was upon me, so I had to ditch it. This ended up being a good thing, because the band broke up anyway, and in all honesty- the story I truly want to tell probably wouldn't work with the band together. Too many eyes on it for me to tell the story I really wanted to tell. I realized this while on tour- the story of the band I have in me is not this one, and it made me hope to find a way out of being stuck with it.

But, not to let the art completley go to waste, I am going to put the pages here in my blog. I'll release them 5 at a time. Here's the first five. The book was to be titled "Lunaractive: Code of the Juggernaut". I apologize that the lettering is too small to read easily, but I don't have to time to fix it. I also want to warn you that this does not resolve, it cuts off mid-action at about page 18 or so. If you can't handle that, don't read it, because you will never know the end. This is it. Enjoy...

1 comment:

Jay said...

Kind of leaves you hangin with a salty ammonia buzz... But that's pretty funny.