Thursday, February 12, 2009

I have a crappy website

I needed space online to FTP myself stuff, so I bought my name dot com. I figured I would use my very minimal HTML skillz to put up a basic page that links to my various crap already on line in other places. Putting this up reminded me that I actually have an art blog I never update, so I am going to throw some art up here with no explanation whatsoever. Enjoy!


Ryan said...

Love the sumo guys in the car with the creatures, love the guy with the space octopus in his brain cap.

The Horns and the Hawk said...

i can't exactly say why, but, the chicken man is incredibly inspired. it fills me with hope that maybe the future isn't quite as bleak as we all feared it might be.

my wife got me your chumble spuzz vol. 2 cover pic you had for sale for my birthday. i never thanked you for it, but i love it. it sits, proudly, in our living room. there are days where i stare wistfully at it thinking, "...if only... if only i too had been raised by pigeons." then i resume foraging for trash.

Generic Cialis said...

No problem. Good art work, no matter there no background or even the slightest idea of why you did it but no problem, good to watch in any case.