Monday, December 28, 2009

AXE COP interview

Here is a video of me interviewing my five year old brother Malachai about the story for Axe Cop 3. You get an idea of our writing process here. Some of the details in the story were taken from other conversations, but I wanted to capture the kind of brainstorming we do and I also wanted to capture how Malachai pronounces avocado "aducado."

The Axe Cop comics are available on this blog in the previous two posts.
Axe Cop blog post one, and blog post two.


Reddit said...

great team!

Unknown said...

really cute! if you make another video like this could you keep the music instrumental?

nail polish said...

Very genius video.I hound it in you tube before this.Really he have the originate talent.Keep it carry on.Thanks for sharing your personal experience.

china mobile said...

Great team.

Movies Gallery 2011 said...

Wow! great! Good try. Keep going.
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